Here is a list of all the BC-ACE events in the calendar at the moment. Below that, a list of all the events that we approve under this scheme, including those with no dates currently scheduled. If you don’t find what you want in the first list you can always contact the event leader direct and see if there is a way to run that event near you.
Start date | Details | Find out more |
2024-12-17 | France - En ligne - Français Les Fleurs dans tous leurs états : Gagner en efficacité dans le choix des fleurs | [email protected] |
2025-01-13 | France - En ligne - Français 6 Workshop Études de Cas les lundis de 20.00 à 22.00. Les sessions des 6 lundis 20.00 - 22.00 | Website [email protected] 06 07 74 91 94 |
2025-01-14 | France - ZOOM - Français 6 Workshop Études de Cas les mardis de 19.00 à 21.00Les sessions des 6 mardis 19.00 - 21.00 | Website [email protected] 0607749194 |
2025-01-16 | France - En ligne - Français 6 Workshop Études de Cas les jeudis de 10.00 à 12.00 Les sessions des 6 jeudis 10.00 - 12.00 | Website [email protected] 06 07 74 91 94 |
2025-01-18 | Italia - ONLINE (ITALIA) - Italiano Pets&Flowers web: per divenire BFRAP. Date:18/19 gennaio, 22/23 febbraio, 22/23 marzo, 12/13 aprile, | Website [email protected] 3341794605 |
2025-02-01 | Italia - ONLINE ITALIA - Italiano Corso teorico-pratico su bambini e sistemi famigliari 16 ore/due week end | Website [email protected] 3341794605 |
2025-02-11 | India - MUMBAI - English Teacher Training - Level 1 by Angela Davies - Coordinated by Aarti Ranadive | Website [email protected] 9892993047 |
2025-03-08 | Italia - ONLINE - Italiano Approfondimento della gestione della consulenza nel percorso a cipolla. 4 moduli di 4 ore in due wee | Website [email protected] 3341794605 |
2025-03-22 | France - Online - Français Formation continue en visio sur deux samedis : BC-ACE - Reconnaître les plantes d'Edward Bach. | Website [email protected] +33 494474798 |
2025-05-05 | Italia - Castello di Contignaco (PR) - Italiano Una mattina alla ricerca e preparazione dei Fiori di Bach nei prati del Castello medioevale di Conti | Website [email protected] 3392965821 |
2025-05-17 | Italia - Studio Punto e a Capo via Monte Rosa Mi - Italiano Emozioni, Stress, Burnout - Strategie di sopravvivenza - Si richiede abbigliamento comodo e calze an | Website [email protected] 3392965821 |
2025-06-26 | Italia - The Bach Centre - Sotwell (UK) - Italiano Fiori di Bach e crescita spirituale 26/27 giugno 2025 in italiano | Website [email protected] 3341794605 |
2025-07-07 | Italia - Castello di Contignaco (Salsomaggiore P - Italiano Una mattina alla ricerca e preparazione dei Fiori di Bach nei prati del Castello medioevale di Conti | Website [email protected] 3392965821 |
2025-09-22 | Italia - Castello di Contignaco (PR) - Italiano Una mattina alla ricerca e preparazione dei Fiori di Bach nei prati del Castello medioevale di Conti | Website [email protected] 3392965821 |
Full list of events taught in English
- Advanced communication skills (E1L)
- Bach flower remedies in the canine world (E4K)
- Bach flower remedies in the horse world (E4A)
- Bach for the animal kingdom (E2Q)
- Build your business days at Mount Vernon (E1K)
- Build your business (distance learning) (E1K)
- Connecting with your client (E3D)
- The consultation: empathy, authenticity and acceptance (E1Q)
- The consultation process – a practical approach: working with children (E4B)
- Coping with challenging clients – managing challenging consultations (E1F)
- Dr Bach and his philosophy (E1A)
- Dr. Bach’s philosophy, personal development and spiritual growth (E2E)
- Emotional health for children with Bach flower remedies (E2B)
- Fertile emotional well-being (E3P)
- Flower coaching: active listening (E3T)
- Health challenges during the menopause (E1E)
- Marketing strategies for BFRPs and trainers (E3Y)
- Nurturing and birthing (E3R)
- Presence and the Bach remedies (E4P)
- Recognising Edward Bach’s plants in summer and winter (E3K)
- Secrets of the Bach remedy plants (E2C)
- Secrets of spiritual health and happiness (E4D)
- Simplicity and science (E2X)
- Structured supervision and mentoring programme via Skype (E1W)
- Understanding cats and better choosing Bach flowers (E3M)
- Workshops for practitioners (E1G)
- Bach Foundation Teachers Programme Level 1 (BFTP1), stage 1 (T1A)
Other languages
- Els infants i la teràpia floral de Bach: eines de consulta (E3E) – contact the event leader
Danish – Dansk
- Animal behaviour: dogs, cats and horses (E2M, BFRAP)
- Bach CPD dag (E2P) – contact the event leader
French – Français
German – Deutsch
- Structured supervision and mentoring programme in Israel (E1W) – contact the event leader
Italian – Italiano
- BFRAP in Japan (E4H, BFRAP)
- Bach flower remedies for pets (E1J) – contact the event leader
- Emotional healing for pets and owners (E1B)
- Presence and the Bach remedies (E4P)
- Successful solutions for canine behaviour problems (E2W) – contact the event leader
- Successful solutions for feline behaviour problems (E3A) – contact the event leader
Portuguese – Português
Veja a lista de eventos ministrados em português
Spanish – Español
Turkish – Türkçe
- Reading Bach (E4M) – contact the event leader