New website additions this week

Making life easier:

The New Stripe Payment Method 

We now have a new checkout payment method called Stripe! This allows for a faster checkouts for credit and debit card customers, whilst keeping your details safe. We will never see or store payment information so you can always be sure that your details are secure.

The Mailing List Revamp 

We are currently revamping our Bach Centre Mailing List! When you join the Bach Centre Mailing List you will now automatically receive our new welcome page. This has inbuilt links to help you navigate our site faster and key information to help direct you further. 

We will also be re-modelling our emails onto a much more aesthetically pleasing template and letting you be the first to know when a new blog post is released and about all our exciting events that happen here at the Bach Centre.

If you subscribed to our old Email Newsletter and still want to hear from us with all our fun new announcements, please re-subscribe below. It’s free!

Email address: