Registration Fees (Recurring Payments)

£52.00 / year

Please select below how many years you would like to register or renew your BFRP membership for. To find out what your fee covers please visit our BFRP FAQ page.

Please only pay if you are have completed your Level 3 Bach practitioner course with us or as a Bach Centre approved course and have been given the ‘Application to join the Bach Foundation International Register’ form, or are already a BFRP.  If you are neither of these things and try to pay, you will forfeit 50% of any refund.

This is a recurring payment option.  If you prefer your payment not to be recurring please click here.

When checking out you must fill in the Name or PIN fields so we know who the registration payment is for. (If you are joining for the first time you won’t have a PIN yet.)

Recurring payments made using PayPal have been known to bounce in some instances.  If this happens, and you order is automatically refunded, please pay using the regular card payment method at checkout, thank you.

Got a question? see the FAQs on registration renewal


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Registering with the Bach Centre maintains your position on the Bach Foundation International Register of Practitioners.

You can also pay by bank transfer:

Account in the name of: Bach Visitor & Education Centre Ltd, Mount Vernon, Bakers Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxon OX10 0PZ, UK; Bank: NatWest Bank; Address of bank: Wallingford Branch, 82 High Street, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 0BT, UK; Account no. 66524822; Sort Code 60-22-19; BIC: NWBK GB 2L; IBAN: GB21 NWBK 6022 1966 5248 22.

If you send a bank transfer, please email a scan or picture of the receipt or confirmation you get from your bank to: [email protected].

This is a recurring payment that you can cancel at any time through the ‘My Account‘ section.

You can look up your status and renewal date if you aren’t sure whether you need to renew yet.

Active and inactive practitioners

The Register is divided between active and inactive practitioners. We only list contact information for active practitioners.

We will class you as active if you confirm that you are keeping a record that shows you are involved in a 20 hours per year of continuing professional development (CPD). CPD can be any activity that helps you improve your practice.

This form can help you keep a record of your CPD activities.

Find out more about CPD.